Which Pests Should You Expect To See Over Winter?

Throughout the winter many of us tend to change our habits - we go to bed earlier, we eat more, and we are usually less active and spend more time indoors. Almost like a form of hibernation. Animals will also change their habits as the weather gets colder, meaning you may see more of some and less of others.

The types of pest you’ll see less of will be things such as bees, wasps, hornets, woodworm, birds, fruit flies, spiders and moths. Nowadays where homes are mostly heated and insulated, a lot of pests are a problem year round rather than in a specific season. Heating and insulation will give the pests a constant climate to survive in rather than the harsh extremes of winter and summer, making their lives easier and allowing more opportunities for them to breed.

Other types of pest become more prevalent over the winter. This again is because the homes we’ve made are a perfect environment for them to survive in with warmth, food and water nearby.

Over winter, many rodents will try to find sources of food and warmth. There will most likely be numerous places across your property that will be ideal for rats, mice, squirrels and other rodents to thrive despite the colder weather – they’ll even invade any small outbuildings. It’s important that if you find signs of rodents on your property that you get a survey as there is a legal obligation under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to keep premises rodent free, or, if rodents pose a threat to health or property, to report infestations to the local authority.

Similarly to rodents, insects will often look for warmer environments with an abundance of food and water. Bed bugs will enter a hibernation-like state if temperatures drop drastically, however as we spend more time in doors and we provide them with warmth and food, it’s possible that they’ll spring back to life. What’s more, while cockroaches aren’t considered common in the UK, there are a few species that reside here. They thrive in hotter temperatures, and although they can go quite a while without food, they will only last a maximum of a week without water. With our homes providing insects with vast sources of all three, you may unfortunately come across them this winter.

If you experience any pest problems over the coming winter don’t hesitate to contact us for same or next day service.

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